Employees of interaction with customers Office of IDGC of Centre — Tverenergo division organized a meeting with heads of rural settlements in the Nelidovsky district administration to explain the provision of additional services and installation of modern metering devices.
The round table was attended by the head of the Nelidovsky district administration and heads of Vysokinsky, Novoselkinsky, Selyansky, and Nelidovsky rural settlements. The main topic of the meeting was to clarify the requirements of Federal Law of 23.11.2009 # 261-FZ «On energy conservation and energy efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation», which sets a new direction for municipalities of resource supplying organizations, managing organizations, owners of the premises in apartment buildings for years to come. One of the priorities of energy efficiency announced was to ensure accurate metering of energy consumed.
Particular attention of the heads of rural settlements was drawn to the clarification of contracts for the provision of additional services and maintenance of electrical networks, owned by the district administration. The round table participants were given handouts and presentations.
To date, the upgrading and maintenance of outdoor lighting networks and energy saving services are in demand and of social significance. The services of Tverenergo also includes the installation and repair of modern metering devices, testing and diagnostics of high voltage equipment, electric protection means, full service of an automated information-measuring system for commercial electricity metering (AMI). These and other types of work make it possible to increase energy efficiency of an enterprise or a household, to reduce the amount of losses by increasing the controllability of electric energy and power supply and to perform precise electricity metering.
Tver power engineers regularly conduct roundtables and seminars in districts of the Tver region for building a constructive dialogue with customers and representatives of local governments, understanding the existing problems for adopting measures to address them and to ensure reliable operation of power grids of IDGC of Centre.
For sale of additional services the company operates its Customer Service Centres, the online-reception on the website at: www.mrsk-1.ru, and free direct hot line of IDGC of Centre at 8-800-50-50-115.