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Lipetskenergo summarized the activities of grid connection in 2012


In 2012, IDGC of Center — Lipetskenergo division received 4661 applications for grid connection of their power installations for a total capacity of 176.29 MW.
The number of executed contracts has increased, compared to 2011, by 39.3% and amounted to 3250 pieces for a capacity of 58.96 MW.

Most of the executed contracts in terms of their quantity, namely, 3207 pieces were contracts with individuals, small and medium businesses, in the category of applicants for grid connection up to 100 kW. In terms of their physical volume grid connections under executed contracts with legal entities were leading, whose connected capacity of power installations amounted to 37.27 MW.

The most significant growth was for the grid connection of power installations of applicants in Lipetsky (689 pcs.) and Gryazinsky (619 pcs.) districts of the Lipetsk region, which is caused by rapid development of individual housing in the areas.

The positive result of grid connection, which is one of the main activities of Lipetskenergo, was the connection of agricultural facilities as well. Among them there are such large consumers as a workshop for processing sunflower seeds of «Don Field» Ltd. at 1.2 MW and an industrial park of IRITO Group «Motorinvest» LLC at 2MW.

In 2013, in order to further improve the effectiveness of grid connection Lipetskenergo has planned large-scale reconstruction of power lines. Special attention will be paid to construction of new and retrofitting of existing lines in developing regional economic zones.

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