This year, the amount of financing of the investment program of IDGC of Centre — Orelenergo division will be 691.6 million rubles.
Over half a billion rubles will be allocated to increase the reliability of electrical networks through modernization and reconstruction of power facilities. Investments in new construction and expansion will be 186.9 million rubles.
Of the total amount of funding 87.4 million rubles will be allocated for grid connection of new customers to networks of Orelenergo.
Within the investment program it is planned to implement a number of special programs, including the installation of vacuum circuit breakers in 6-10 kV bays and microprocessor-based protection devices at the main substations of the Orel region.
In order to ensure the reliability and quality of electricity supply of the regional residents it is planned to reconstruct 13.5 km of 10 kV power lines in Orlovsky district, as well as 22 km of 0.4 kV in Livensky, Orlovsky, Mtsensky, Pokrovsky and Novosilsky districts. In addition, 5 reclosers and 2 voltage boosters are to be installed on the lines.
In 2013, power engineers will perform a large-scale reconstruction of the substations Kolpny-110/35/10kV and Pushkarskaya-35/10 kV. Performance of the work will ensure reliability of electricity supply in Kolpnyansky and Livensky districts and remove power shortage of the substation «Pushkarskaya». The amount of funding will be 95 million rubles.
Within the project on energy saving and energy efficiency the implementation of an automated information-measuring system for commercial metering at the retail market with funding of 53 million rubles will continue.
Expansion and also clearing of ROWs along power lines and improvement of automation, telemetry and communications will remain priority areas of the activity of the power engineers in 2013.