IDGC of Centre — Orelenergo division is constructing a 10 kV cable line for a loop between the main substations in Mtsensk district of the Orel region.
To date, the cabling between the substations Pischevaya-110/10 kV and District V-110/10 kV has been completed at 90%. A section of an overhead power line was constructed to cross the Zusha river. Now power engineers are putting cable under the railroad and performing installation and commissioning of switchgear at the power facilities.
The cable line under construction with its transmission capacity of 3.5 MW and a total length of 3 km will in case of emergency situations dual the substations. As a result, it will improve the reliability of electricity supply of eight settlements of Mtsensk district, as well as several socially significant facilities of the city of Mtsensk. In particular, boiler #1 of residential district «V», Mtsensk furniture factory, plant «Orelproduct» and Mtsensk ceramics factory.
«Feature of the cable line is that it passes through an area full of utility facilities,» underlined the head of Mtsensk Distribution Zone of IDGC of Centre — Orelenergo division Victor Herman. «When crossing the railroad cable laying is performed with horizontal drilling. The cable itself is made of cross-linked polyethylene, which increases the reliability and service life.»
The new line is scheduled to be commissioned in April 2013.