The prevention and reduction of occupational accidents, occupational safety, preservation of health and lives of personnel is a priority for IDGC of Centre — Smolenskenergo division. In 2012 about 50 million rubles were spent on it. 3.5 million rubles were spent on the measures to prevent accidents in the reporting period, 36 million rubles were invested in the purchase of personal protective equipment, tools and accessories, 10.1 million rubles – on sanitary measures for the prevention of diseases in the workplace, and 339.4 thousand rubles were spent on the improvement of labour conditions.
Within the approved in IDGC of Centre Program to reduce the risk of injury occurrence the branch conducts comprehensive and thematic checks, rounds and inspections of workplaces, and unannounced checks of working crews within safety days. During 2012, the work continued on the equipment of staff with modern protective gear: first responding and mobile maintenance crews are provided with sets of rods to install portable grounding on overhead power lines without climbing poles of both 6-10 kV conductors, and 0.4 kV. Operational and maintenance personnel are fully equipped with uniform that is resistant to electric arc.
The priority areas in the field of occupational safety are training staff for safe work practices, increasing knowledge in the area of health and safety, as well as safety knowledge testing with relevant personnel. First staff expertise is checked on cross-industry regulations for safety in the operation of electrical equipment, operating rules and fire safety, and how to provide first aid in case of accidents at work. A month the central commission of the branch tests the knowledge of about 20 people, in commissions of structural units — 210. Staff has classes in safety offices and practice at training centres.
To increase the effectiveness of efforts to prevent electric injuries and to comply with safety standards the company holds monthly safety days.
Head of Production Control and Safety Office