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Belgorodenergo helps efficiently set electricity metering for legal entities


A representative of Belgorodenergo delivered a lecture at training courses for public sector executives and experts on the topic: “Managing energy conservation and increasing energy efficiency in organizations and institutions of public sector”, organized by the Belgorod branch of FGBU “Russian Energy Agency” of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation with support BSTU after V.G. Shukhov for more than 200 representatives of companies, organizations and institutions of the region, responsible for energy conservation and energy efficiency.

Head of energy conservation and energy efficiency office Natalia Yakshina spoke about how to properly and effectively organize a system of electricity metering in the enterprise, organization or office, in accordance with recent changes in the legislation of the 4th of May last year, how and why unmetered consumption can be billed for payment, how it is calculated, and what meters are the most popular among individuals and businesses.

“Obviously, the consumption of electricity — one of the significant cost items for any company. It needs strict accounting, so consumers are urged to read the monthly volume of consumption and calculate its cost, — stressed Natalia Yakshina. — Today, businesses and organizations are interested in the modernization of existing electric energy metering systems, as it is a direct and the most obvious way to manage their own energy consumption.”

But we cannot do without some solid knowledge of the existing legislation, which states that owners of any and all residential buildings, facilities and premises until July 1, 2012 are to install electricity metering devices of a required accuracy class and functionality (Federal Law # 261 “On energy conservation ...”). And if accuracy class 2.0 and above is enough for ordinary residential consumers, for legal entities very different requirements are established.

Consumers with the volume of the connected capacity up to 670 kW are required to have accuracy class 1.0 or higher, and large enterprises with a capacity of over 670 kW — accuracy class 0,5S with the function of storing data on the hourly electricity consumption for past 120 days.

Lack of instrumental data in billing can hit hard to the very pocket of the consumer. When failure to provide readings or in determining that a metering device or intentional interference in the metering circuit, as well as non-contractual electricity consumption the unmetered electricity, according to the “Main provisions of the functioning of retail electricity markets” can be billed based on the maximum consumed power, and in the absence of such data — on the basis of the section of the lead-in wire. As the practice shows such billed values ​​are often far higher than actual consumption.

The workshop’s participants were interested in opportunities that exist today to reduce the cost of operation of meters and avoid the cost of taking readings. To solve these issues it can be done with an automated commercial metering system (AMR) with the installation of high-precision smart electricity meters at consumers’. These devices allow to use multiple tariff schedules, which can also lead to cost savings on electricity.

In addition, the AMR system will monitor the level of voltage, active and reactive power and loading of phases. Power engineers of IDGC of Centre — Belgorodenergo division will help professionally install such a system, to perform its comprehensive maintenance, and address other issues relating to the effective electricity metering in a business or organization.

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