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Tambovenergo held the first Safety Day in 2013


Managers and specialists of the executive office of IDGC of Centre — Tambovenergo division and 17 Distribution Zones took part in the monthly Safety Day. This is some comprehensive check, whose main objective is the analysis of compliance with safety regulations.

The regular holding of the Safety Day — one of the areas of prevention of occupational accidents. Work in the power system is associated with a higher risk due to high voltage and the performance of work at height. To minimize the risk, one needs constant improvement of the occupational health and safety system.

In connection with the autumn-winter operation period, experts audited the provision of personnel with winter clothing, including resistant to electric arc, as well as checked the organization of its inventory, distribution and storage. Indeed, often during cold weather power engineers have to work in extreme weather conditions, so it is important that the staff, especially those engaged in maintenance and emergency repair work, was fully provided with modern clothing and footwear and protective gear.

The practical part of the Safety Day — a showcase of clearance and permit of staff of services of power lines, substations, electrical equipment maintenance crews of Distribution Zones in accordance with the specifications and technical documentation. The completeness and quality of targeted briefings, proper issuance of work permits and registration instructions were checked.

Traditionally during the Safety Day special attention was paid to the compliance of regulations, rules, norms, standards, and other policies on health and safety, quality of conducting operational talks.

“The life and health of the staff — the main value for our company. Tambovenergo — a company of high social responsibility — highlights the issues of industrial safety, — underlined Head of production control and safety Office of IDGC of Centre — Tambovenergo division Sergey Simon. — The branch implements a set of technical and organizational measures aimed at further modernization of the safety system and improvement of sanitary and living conditions for our employees. It is especially true of holding the Safety Day in the season of cold weather and peak loads. The checks showed that, in general, subdivisions of Tambovenergo pay due attention to OSH.”

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