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Electrician of Voronezhenergo Evgeny Petrukhnenko became the best in the profession


In the building of the parliamentary centre there was a meeting of the Voronezh Regional Tripartite Commission for the regulation of social and labour relations, at which winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills “Best in the profession” were solemnly awarded.

In the nomination “Best Electrician” the winner was Electrician for testing and measurement of the 5th degree of Kalacheevsky site of diagnostics Service of IDGC of Centre — Voronezhenergo division Evgeny Petrukhnenko.

Evgeny Petrukhnenko’s length of work in the energy sector is 25 years. According to Deputy Chief Engineer — Head of Production Assets Control Centre of Voronezhenergo Alexey Burkov for the entire period of his employment at the company he has showed himself as a capable worker, proactive, responsibly performing all his tasks.

“Having excellent technical knowledge, he successfully uses it in his work, learns new techniques and methods. Evgeny Petrushenko is a mentor to young people, actively works with interns, transferring the accumulated experience and knowledge. In this case, he is highly respected in the team,” — stressed Alexey Burkov.

The competition “Best in the professional” is held for the first time. It was established by Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2011 # 1011. The main purpose of its holding — increasing the prestige of skilled workers of mass blue-collar occupations, promoting their achievements and best practices for recruitment of the youth.

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