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Youth Council of Smolenskenergo continues to interact with Belarusian colleagues


In September 2012, the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Councils on youth of IDGC of Centre — Smolenskenergo division and RUE “Vitebskenergo” took place.

The agreement regulates the relationship between the Youth Councils of the two power companies, defines the procedure for joint efforts to achieve the strategic objectives and the creation of new system approaches for the implementation of effective social policy, scientific cooperation, and patriotic education.

A priority task of the cooperation is accumulation of Russian and Belarusian experience in the field of youth scientific and technical development. The parties plan to cooperate in the field of international experience in academic conferences, and implementation of innovations. Further work will develop joint programs, organize and conduct various activities that meet the interests of the parties, and develop common approaches on issues of interest.

Forms of cooperation will be the participation of representatives in organization of joint activities, and making mutual consultations. In the course of the cooperation working groups and coordinating councils will be created. Youth Councils can send representatives to participate in activities in the other country.

“The signing of this document — an important stage in the development of effective cooperation with the friendly country — commented Chairman of the Youth Council of Smolenskenergo Alex Magon. — This agreement will not only facilitate the further development of partnership, but also have a positive impact on the performance of our operations.”

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