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Number of customer requests has increased in Orelenergo


In the first half of 2012 IDGC of Centre — Orelenergo division received almost 18,500 requests from customers. Compared to the same period last year, the number increased by 14%.

To date, the power engineers have registered about a thousand applications for technological connection, following which 1006 agreements for a total capacity of 25.9 MW have been signed. This is 11% more than in the first half of 2011. The positive dynamics is associated with the implementation of several major projects. The branch connected to its networks the residential neighborhood “Zarechensky” with its capacity of 5.8 MW and Mtsensk plant of municipal mechanical engineering with its capacity of 3.2 MW.

More than four thousand people requested the branch for advice. Most people were interested in the issue of registration of documents on technological connection and maintenance of metering devices. Over 2,000 requests were related to additional services of Orelenergo. In particular, 1766 contracts for the installation and replacement of electricity meters were signed. Please, be reminded that by July 1, 2012 all housing should be equipped with energy meters for accuracy class 2.0 or higher.

In addition, since the beginning of the year more than 40 contracts have been signed for operational and technical management and maintenance of electrical networks. Demand for this service in the region is growing. Since, in practice, the transfer of networks to be maintained by power engineers significantly improves the reliability and security of power supply.

Please, be reminded that on all matters you can call the free Direct Power Hot Line at 8 800 5050 115, visit the Customer Service Centre of Orelenergo at the address: Orel, Moscow Street, 28A, the nearest District of Electrical Networks, as well as use the web site of IDGC of Centre at

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