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Belgorodenergo will spend about 700 million rubles to reconstruct networks


IDGC of Centre — Belgorodenergo is actively implementing its program of reconstruction of electric grid facilities. During 2012 380 km of power lines of 0,4-6-10 kV, including 21 km of cable lines of 0,4-6-10 kV, 359 km of overhead lines of 0,4-6-10 kV and 113 package transformer substations will be reconstructed in the region. Currently approximately 50% of the planned volume has been performed. The branch has spent about 700 million rubles on the modernization of power facilities.

The reconstruction is performed using modern, efficient equipment, which allows to ensure reliable and uninterrupted power supply to consumers. Over the last decade power engineers have been using with success in the reconstruction of power lines self-supporting insulated wire (SIW), characterized by high operational reliability. Through the use of SIW the number of outages on power lines is reduced by more than five times, besides the modern wire helps prevent theft of electricity and related electric injuries at the facilities of Belgorodenergo. In total in the region about 2900 km of 0.4-10 kV were reconstructed and constructed using SIW.

In order to reduce losses, capital and operating costs, as well as to improve the reliability of power supply the traditional transformer substations are being replaced with pole-mounted transformer substations. This fundamentally new configuration of power networks can “get” to virtually every consumer with the network of 10 kV, and lowering the voltage to 0.4 kV will be done with a small transformer, which is located on a pole in the immediate vicinity of the house. At the moment all over the region there are 35 pole-mounted transformer substations installed. This year we plan to install about 7 pieces.

As part of the reconstruction of 0.4-10 kV networks to provide high-quality electricity to consumers 15 voltage boosters will be installed. The use of these devices makes it possible to quickly bring the quality of electricity supplied in compliance with all requirements of the regulations.

In addition, vacuum reclosers are used for the reconstruction of 6-10 kV overhead lines. Belgorodenergo has 35 reclosers in operation. This year it is planned to install other three. The installation of reclosers allows to reduce the time for fault location on overhead power lines and decrease damage from electricity undersupply.

In recent years the program of reconstruction and repair of the branch is created on a basis of an electronic database of electric grid facilities. Previously the plans for such work were approved in accordance with statutory deadlines of electric equipment operation, and now experts enter up-to-date information on the current state into of the plant maintenance module of SAP ERP system, based on which a decision on the need to repair or upgrade each electrical unit is made.

“Reconstruction of networks with the use of modern electrical equipment allows greatly to improve the quality and reliability of electricity supply, and by times to reduce the technical losses of electricity in networks, making the process of electric energy transmission efficient”, — stressed Deputy Head of distribution networks Office of the branch Mikhail Malykhin.

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