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By 2015 Orelenergo plans to clear about 3810 hectares of ROWs along power lines


IDGC of Centre — Orelenergo division is implementing a program of expansion and clearing of ROWs along 0.4-110 kV power lines up to 2015. It was developed by the company’s specialist after analyzing the situation, which had affected the reliability of electricity supply in the maximum 2011/2012 load period.

As part of the program the next three years power engineers are planning to clear around 3810 hectares and extend over 450 hectares of ROWs along overhead lines. It is scheduled to trim more than 767 hectares this year.

A contractor was selected to perform work to expand the ROWs in forests with the help of competitive procedures. In other cases the ROW clearing along power lines is performed using own resources. It involves on a daily basis 5-6 crews totaling about 25-30 people.

To increase labour quality and productivity staff uses modern special equipment: tractor with a front shredder and a chipping trailer. The use of new equipment can leave the ROW after cutting clean, improving fire safety of facilities.

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