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Repair of power equipment - a pledge of power supply reliability


IDGC of Centre — Lipetskenergo division continues fulfilling its repair program, which provides stable operation of power equipment. All scheduled work is being done on time and in some areas ahead of schedule, in compliance with the rules and regulations on labour protection and safety.

For five months this year the following has already been refurbished: 124.5 km of overhead lines of 0.4-110 kV; 37 transformer substations of 10/0.4 kV; 91 oil transformers of 10/0.4 kV. An important area of the repair program in 2012 is still the clearing of ROWs along overhead power lines off tree and shrub seedlings, preventing falling trees and branches onto electrical wires and occurrence of surface fires. Thus, for the reporting period 97.8 hectares of ROWs along overhead power lines have been cleared. Also at power grid facilities of Lipetskenergo the replacement of individual pieces of equipment is under way. The amount of financial costs spent on the implementation of these measures is more than 22.9 million rubles.

By the end of the year power engineer will overhaul eight substations (SS) of 35/110 kV, will perform elementwise current repair of 61 SS of 35/110 kV, and also 100 transformer substations of 10/0.4 kV, will replace 1153 poles of power lines and clear more than 210 hectares of ROWs along overhead power lines of 6-110 kV. 98.4 million rubles will be allocated for these purposes.

When performing repairs power engineers are trying to minimize the inconvenience of consumers due to power cuts. Therefore, at the time of repair customers are transferred to backup power supply circuits. Scheduled power outages are performed in accordance with pre-agreed schedules, details of which are regularly published on the website of IDGC of Centre at

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