Tver Customer Service Centre (CSC) of IDGC of Centre — Tverenergo division received the
“In 2009, I visited the CSC of Tverenergo and I still have a positive experience of cooperation with you. Therefore, when it became necessary to connect the house to the electric grid, I knew for sure where I had better go to get professional help and prompt solution to my problem”, — mentioned Vera Moiseenko.
Head of Customer Interaction Office Tatiana Atanasova and Head of CSC of IDGC of Centre — Tverenergo division Oleg Stepanov greeted the honorary visitor in a festive atmosphere, presenting a souvenir, flowers and a commemorative customer certificate.
“Overcoming such a turn for almost 5 years of work is an important indicator of confidence of our clients — says Tatiana Atanasova. — Building such fruitful interaction requires professionalism and competence of the entire staff of the CSC”.
To date, it is important to provide not only efficiency but also quality polite service. Staff of the Tver Center makes it as much comfortable as possible for its visitors. More than 1,100 positive reviews left by visitors in 2012 confirm it.
On the territory of the Tver region there are six Customer Service Centers: the central office is in Tver, five CSCs are located in major regional cities — Torzhok, Bezhetsk, Kimry, Konakovo and Rzhev.
CSC visitors can get the necessary advice on the procedure for grid connection, find out detailed information on additional services provided by the branch, as well as get answers to questions concerning power supply.
The website of IDGC of Centre at has the section “Clients”, where consumers can get the latest information related to the Company’s activities. To solve issues related to power supply, there is the around the clock Direct Power Hot Line at 8800 50 50 115 (toll free).