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Experts of Lipetskenergo are for a constructive dialogue on technological connection issues


A roundtable discussion on technological connection to electric networks of housing facilities for individuals and legal entities, engaged in construction of low-rise residential buildings and villa communities, was held in Lipetskenergo.

During the meeting, experts of technological connection Office spoke on the procedure for technological connection to electric networks of the branch. Special attention was paid to the timely making of applications for technological connection, timing of their consideration and implementation.

"At present Lipetskenergo, on average, has achieved a 20-day period of processing requests on technological connection - from the time of registration of applications for technological connection to the issuance of an offer of the Agreement on the implementation of the technological connection", - mentioned Head of technological connection Office of the branch Eduard Kachura.

The event's participants also discussed the establishment of the fee and the formation of the final cost of grid connection, as well as delineation of the obligations of the customer and the grid organization to fulfill the technical conditions of the agreement for technological connection.

"Specialists of Lipetskenergo are always ready to advise applicants on all matters of grid connection, and to consider non-standard questions on an individual basis. IDGC of Centre pays the most attention to interaction with customers, because the formation of a full-fledged economic space in our country depends on how the dialogue is constructive between the power industry and business", - stressed Deputy Director for development and sale of services of Lipetskenergo Alexander Kosolapov.

In turn, the roundtable’s participants noted the need for such events, allowing a detailed understanding of legislation governing the grid connection. Providing grid connection services - one of the most important activities of Lipetskenergo. In 2011, Lipetsk branch of IDGC of Centre received 3910 applications for grid connection, which is 33% higher compared to 2010. Specialists of technological connection Office executed 2333 agreements for a total capacity of 37.5 MW. During the first 4 months of 2012 the number of requests for grid connection was 1536 pieces, 1109 agreements on the implementation of technological connection were signed, and 925 contracts were executed.

Please, be reminded that on all matters relating to energy supply, residents of the Lipetsk region may consult the Customer Service Centres of the branch in Lipetsk, Yelets and Dankov, as well as on the website of IDGC of Centre at (see the section "Clients") or by calling the Direct Power Hot Line at 8-800-50-50-115 (toll free).

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