As a result of 2011, 611 purchases of goods and services were made for the needs of IDGC of Centre — Yarenergo division amounting to 2.29 billion rubles.
In 2011, for the needs of Yaroslavl branch of the Company 534 commercial and procurement procedures were made with the use of electronic trading platforms, creating equal conditions for all market participants. The share of public purchases, which any potential counterparty could take part in, amounted to 82%.
Most of the purchases — for the amount of 1.9 billion rubles — were made in accordance with the investment program of the branch. Of these, one billion rubles was directed to implement the activities of technological connection to the electric grid of the Company.
The largest contracts were signed by Yaroslavl power engineers ZAO “Group” SverdlovElektro" for the supply of transformers to the substation under construction “Novoselki”, with LLC “Company Svyazenergomontazh MO” for the construction of a 10 kV high voltage line from the substation “Nila” and OJSC “Energy Service Company” for design and construction work on the reconstruction and expansion of ROWs along
Cost-effectiveness of procurement of Yarenergo totaled 145 million rubles, or 8.11%. This figure is considered optimal and has been achieved through its well-planned procurement program and good bidding.