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Customers appreciate the high level of service in Yarenergo


Customers thank IDGC of Centre — Yarenergo division for quality work done regularly. Thus, during 2011 Gavrilov-Yamskiy District of Electrical Networks (DEN) received letters of thanks from local residents who are satisfied with the work and the high level of customer service of power engineers.

Last summer, the branch staff performed electrification of the gardening partnership “Zarechny” in Gavrilov-Yamsky district of the Yaroslavl region. As part of the technological connection the power engineers constructed an additional line of 0.4 kV using self-supporting insulated wire from a transformer substation in the village of Astashkino. Thanks to the construction of the distribution line, electricity was available to all owners of the gardening partnership.

Zarechny consumers were satisfied and sent to Yarenergo a letter of gratitude. “The works were executed in the short term, with high quality and nicely. When I submitted the documents I was pleasantly surprised by your staff. Everything was explained, they helped me draw up an application,”- thanked the management of Gavrilov-Yamsky DEN one of the customers.

Another letter of thanks was received from residents of the village of Yakovlevskaya where Yaroslavl power engineers repaired the street lighting system. Yarenergo conducts comprehensive measures in rural areas to repair poles and fixtures, to construct new power lines and implement modern street lighting management systems. Consumers appreciate this work. “Thank you very much for the help in lighting the streets, life has become happier and lighter”, — wrote the villagers of Yakovlevskoye to Gavrilov-Yamsky DEN.

Each customer, who contacts our customer service, front office, or Districts of Electrical Networks of Yarenergo, can make a request or contract for technological connection, get professional advice on energy supply issues, leave feedback on the work of power engineers. There is also the around the clock Direct Hot Line that operates in the entire service area of IDGC of Centre at 8-800-50-50-115 (toll free), using which you can get detailed information about the Company’s services.

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