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IDGC of Centre - Tverenergo division is implementing a program of personnel development


Since the beginning of the year IDGC of Centre — Tverenergo division has spent over 6.6 million rubles for training and staff development.

More than 1,300 employees, including 413 managers, 501 specialists and 457 blue-collar workers have increased their qualifications. Leaders of Districts of Electrical Networks and Services, operators of Operations Service, electricians of mobile crews, electricians of substations maintenance Service, electrical foreman of Districts of Electrical Networks, engineers of Relay Protection and Automation and electricians of switchgears have had their training.

The division’s staff solidified their knowledge in the area of professional competence, passed their training on safety and certification for the right to maintain hazardous industrial facilities.

Tverenergo cooperates with institutions of higher, secondary and primary vocational education. In order to improve the professional level of employees, Tverenergo traditionally provides targeted training to employees of the division in institutions of higher learning in core subjects. To date, at the expense of the division 9 people are studying, 8 of whom are students of Ivanovo State University after V.I. Lenin, one power engineer at Tver State Technical University. On the site of the division students of specialized specialties annually have their production and pre-diploma practice. This year, 100 students among which 60 people are students of higher educational institutions have had their practice in IDGC of Centre — Tverenergo division.

The division is actively implementing the youth policy of IDGC of Centre. To date, Tverenergo has over 1073 employees under the age of 35. Work is underway to attract young people to the utilities industry — graduates of specialized schools. In 2011, 18 young professionals became employees of Tverenergo, 11 of them graduated from Ivanovo State Power Engineering University and chose the Tver Region resulting from the division’s participation in the annual distribution of graduates.

HR Department and heads of structural departments pay great attention to the formation of a personnel reserve of young professionals. Over 150 employees of the division have participated in this year’s program for self nomination for the personnel reserve.

Meetings with school students cause the younger generation get interested in the profession and attract graduates to work in the division. Over the past year 40 thematic lessons were conducted in schools, vocational schools and colleges.

As Head of HR Office of IDGC of Centre — Tverenergo division Sergey Zhirkov noted, one of the most important activities of the division in the field of personnel is its training aimed at developing professional competence of employees and the formation of a personnel reserve. The system of continuous training, retraining and skill development throughout their working life works efficiently.

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