In order to improve the reliability of electricity networks IDGC of Centre — Smolenskenergo division continues to clear ROWs along overhead power lines (OPL). During the 3rd quarter of this year Smolensk power engineers have cleared 1143.7 ha of trees and shrubs along
To manually clear ROWs the division is equipped with chainsaws of the Swedish company “Husqvarna”. They are much lighter than made in Russia ones, easy to use, reliable and do not require much physical efforts, thus can significantly increase productivity.
Along with the ROWs clearing by hand the division also uses the mechanized method (bulldozers) and processing mechanisms (mulchers). Mulchers cut trees and shrubs and ground them into wood chips, mix them with the top layer of soil and leave them on the ground. This technology replaces cutting, grubbing-out, storage, burning and removal of debris and does not require expensive chemicals that are harmful to the environment and human health. Thus, this way of working is the fastest and most environmentally safe. This mulching greatly reduces the number of accidents during felling works and increases fire safety.
“Much of the power lines in the Smolensk region pass through a wooded area. Trees and shrubs growing in the exclusion zone of overhead power lines — one of the main causes of technological failures in the Smolensk power system, — noted Head of Analysis and Operation Management Department of Smolenskenergo Vitaly Golubkov. — Free-standing trees, threatening to fall onto power lines are cut in the first place. For 9 months 2400 such trees have been cut down”.
As a result of the ROWs clearing the quality of power supply improves. Clearing of ROWs is an important condition for the preparation of the energy facilities of the division for accident-free operations in the autumn-winter period