In the conference hall of Voronezhsky District Electrical Networks of IDGC of Centre — Voronezhenergo division another meeting of experts of Voronezhenergo was held with representatives of major companies of the city and region. The theme of the event was the question of direct contracts for electric power transmission with grid companies.
The seminar was attended by representatives of OJSC “Design Chemical Automation Bureau” (OJSC KBKhA), CJSC “TYAZHMECHPRESS” and other companies of Voronezh. Deputy division director for development and sale of services Nadezhda Tambovtseva, Head of electric energy delivery Office Vladimir Reshetov and Head of customer interaction Office Sergey Maximov told the participants on the singularities of direct contracts.
Reports were accompanied by presentations about the benefits of the direct scheme of consumer interaction with the grid company. “The legislation of the Russian Federation, which governs the relationships between entities in the retail electricity market, allows the contemporary consumer to go to a direct relationship with a grid company, — said Vladimir Reshetov. — Such an opportunity is the right to conclude direct contracts for power transmission with a regional grid company, bypassing a retail company. Conclusion of such agreements benefits consumers in many ways. The new relationship system allows consumers to see what constitutes the cost of electricity, to know what the cost of buying electricity on the wholesale market and its delivery, what is the surcharge of the retail company”.
As explained by Vladimir Reshetov, a more flexible and profitable payment schedule for customers for electricity delivery is being formed. An additional advantage is the elimination of “dependence” on a single retail company. There is an available option to choose a supplier of electric energy, offering the lowest purchase price compared to competitors.
“In addition to this contract the customer has a direct interaction with the grid company on technological issues (power quality, relay protection and automation, limitations and outages, electric energy metering, technological connection, etc.). Efficiency Increases in eliminating negative consequences by Voronezhenergo that may be caused by natural phenomena”, — added Nadezhda Tambovtseva.
The specialists of the division responded to all additional questions from the largest companies in the city on the terms and conditions of the conclusion of direct contractual relations. The power engineers said that Voronezhenergo had already signed 79 direct contracts with customers. Among them are important for the economic development of the region enterprises: a subsidiary of “RASCO” LLC “Voronezh glass plant”, OJSC “Ertilsky casting-mechanical plant”, “Plant of vegetable oils” Ertilsky" LLC, “Ertil-Milk” LLC.
On all matters relating to the conclusion of direct contracts for power transmission, as well as the core business and additional services of the division, please, call the 24/7 Direct Power Hot Line at