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2006 — reconstruction of the substation 110/10 kV “Volodarskaya” to connect the new GT-TEC to the city 110 kV ring and increase reliability of power supply of the plant “Severstal-Metiz”, reconstruction of the substation 110/10 kV “South East”.

2007 — completion of reconstruction of the 110/10 kV substation “South East”.

2008 — start of the reconstruction of the substation 110/6 kV “Western” to supply power to the residential complex of “Orelstroy” in the neighborhood of Zarechensky, construction of the 35 kV overhead line “Kulikovskaya — SGC Znamenskoye”, to supply electricity to the feedmill SGC “Znamenskoye”.

2009 — creation of the Grid Control Centre, reconstruction of the SS-110/10 kV “Western”, putting into operation the first start-up facility — 63 MVA.

2010 — reconstruction of the SS-110/10 kV “Western”. Commissioning of the second start-up facility — 63 MVA, the transition of the branch to RAB tariff regulation.

2011 - reconstruction of 37 km of power lines, including 10-0,4 kV distribution networks — 29 km, installation of voltage boosters on 0,4 kV conductors. Retrofit of AMR for retail electricity market has been planned, reconstruction of the 110 kV “Steel Horse” conductor.

About the Branch
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Districts of Electrical Networks