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Power engineers of IDGC of Centre took an active part in the All-Russian festival of energy saving #VmesteYarche

28 September 2017

Power engineers of IDGC of Centre took part in the All-Russian Festival of Energy Saving #VmesteYarche. The main goal of the Festival is popularization among the population of a culture of respect for nature and energy resources of the planet, as well as demonstration of modern energy-efficient technologies used in various sectors of the economy.

Thematic events took place in all branches of the company. So, in Belgorod the festival events took place in the format of a city holiday. On the "boulevard" of modern energy-efficient energy technologies, citizens were consulted on energy saving issues, demonstrated the visual effect of using various types of lighting devices, proposed signing of declarations and petitions on accelerated transition to energy efficient lighting and personal contribution to the development of our country’s competitive economy through the implementation of modern technologies.

Specialists of Kostromaenergo also took part in the "Boulevard of Energy-Efficient Technologies". There they presented interactive booths, with the help of which they told how meters were changed over the past 60 years, how to save up to 30% of electric energy, what lamps are better to use, and why. All participants of the Boulevard, as well as passers-by, studied the information booths with curiosity and asked specialists of Kostromaenergo questions.

On the festival sites of Orelenergo, visitors were demonstrated specialized vehicles used by power engineers in their work, as well as an electric car that aroused great interest among the citizens. Power engineers told Orel residents about renewable energy sources and ways to save energy in everyday life and at work.

In Smolensk for students of the branch of the National Research University "MPEI" excursions to the Grid Control Centre ("GCC") of "Smolenskenergo" were set up. There they were introduced not only to the structure of the branch and the Centre, the peculiarity of the work of the dispatch centre, the necessary equipment for operators, but also told about the energy-efficient technologies that the branch uses in its work.

In all the branches within the framework of the festival events, special play areas for children were set up, where IDGC of Centre’s employees told about the main ways of saving electricity in everyday life, and also showed cartoons that taught rational use of energy, conducted fascinating physicochemical experiments, competitions and quizzes with the presentation of diplomas and gifts.

The power engineers of IDGC of Centre joined the action of collecting signatures of the personal Declaration on the careful attitude to energy resources and personal contribution to the development of the Russian economy.

All measures and expositions presented by the branches of IDGC of Centre were highly appreciated by representatives of regional authorities. Many employees of IDGC of Centre are awarded with diplomas for active participation in the festival.

For reference: The All-Russian Festival of Energy Saving #VmesteYarche is held with the organizational support of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Rosmolodezh, the Housing and Communal Services Reform Fund, and the Ministry of Culture of Russia. In 2016, the action to sign a personal Declaration on the careful attitude to energy resources and personal contribution to the development of the Russian economy gathered about 60 thousand votes of the country’s inhabitants. In 2017, the festival was supported by 75 regions of Russia.

More detailed information about the festival and contacts of regional organizing committees #VmesteYarche: www.вместеярче.рф

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