3 March in the framework of the exhibition and conference Power-Gen Russia in the Expocentre there was the I youth championship for enterprise management based on the LEAN key approaches ("Lean production") "Investing in the future".
The competition was attended by teams of JSC "Russian Grids", JSC "RusHydro ", JSC "System Operator of the UES", National Research Technological University "MISIS". The team of "Russian Grids" included specialists of the executive office of the company and its subsidiaries - MOESK and IDGC of Centre.
All teams tried their hand at the game business, which allowed them to demonstrate the ability to use the LEAN key technology tools and understand the connection between "local solution - global consequences".
During the game participants got working roles and job descriptions from the CEO to a warehouse worker. It was necessary to develop and establish business processes in a new territory, to eliminate constraints, reduce losses and increase production. Their heads got the role of strict customers and quality controllers.
According to the leading expert of the department of personnel policy and organizational development of JSC "Russian Grids" Pavel Rogozin, the main factor in the outcome of the game was the effective interaction between the departments of the company, i.e. within the team. "Thanks to the game the participants tested the basic mechanisms and approaches to the management of the company, aimed at increasing profits and production. Factors influencing the key performance indicators were identified. This game allowed to understand the full life cycle of the company in a deeper way, as well as to improve the team’s cross-functionality."
According to the results of the simulation game the team of JSC "Russian Grids" was awarded for the best score in the category - "Satisfied Shareholders". "The team showed excellent results in the game. I am sure that, in practice, our experts will be able to successfully apply their skills," stressed the head of the department of energy conservation and energy efficiency of IDGC of Centre Natalia Yakshina. "During the game I understood for myself several managerial skills that I will take note in my work."
The company "Russian Grids" is always concerned about the development of potential of young people. The company created the necessary conditions for the professional development of young professionals, who in the future will work on providing high-quality and reliable energy supply. The company is actively seeking talented young managers capable in the near future to ensure the achievement of significant results.