Activities of the Veterans’ Council are based on the annual work plans of the Veterans’ Council of branches and IDGC of Centre. In 2014 in 3 of the Veterans’ Councils of the branches reporting and election meetings were conducted and new chairpersons were elected; approximately 20% of the members of the Councils were changed.
Active veterans of the company took part in the revival of mentoring movement. Expanding and improving collaboration with the Youth Council, the Veterans’ Council initiated a set of joint activities.
Veterans’ Councils actively assist participation in regional events to honour labour dynasties of power engineers. Dynastic database and albums are updated. Veterans’ Councils of the branches held celebrations dedicated to the Victory Day with the participation of the management, war veterans, home front workers and the youth. The Veterans’ Council of "Smolenskenergo" took an active part in the Victory Day celebrations. In the celebration in the city's central square a many metre St. George ribbon with its length of 391 m and width of 36.5 cm was spread.
At the end of July 2014 on the site of Orelenergo there was an action "Energy of generations". The venue was not chosen by chance - on the 5th of August Orel celebrated the 71st anniversary of liberation from Nazi invaders.
With the involvement of a large number of veterans there were activities related to the celebration of the Day of the Elderly. In 2014, the Veterans’ Councils continued work to provide social support for the retired. During 2014 more than 30 veterans were given vouchers for resort treatment in the branches of "Kurskenergo", "Voronezhenergo", and "Belgorodenergo". Many veterans were provided financial assistance for the purchase of expensive medicines. Veterans celebrating their jubilee were given food packages.
Veterans’ organizations develop and maintain such an important area as the preservation of the history of the power industry: they supplement exhibits of energy museums, prepare publications, and form historical corners in Distribution Zones. In many branches photo stands "Dynasty of Power Engineers" are created and updated.
Chairman of the Veterans’ Council of IDGC of Centre, V.T. Skrynnikov says:
- Organization of leisure of veterans is one of the important activities of the Council. Many veterans attend hobby groups and participate in veterans’ sports tournaments. In 2014 the Veterans’ Council organized collective visits to theaters, philharmonic societies, a circus, and an aquarium.
In 2015 the Veterans’ Council of IDGC of Centre will actively participate in the preparation of activities in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory and will continue cooperating with the company in key areas of its operations.