IDGC of Centre continues to implement a large-scale project to construct and expand in the regions of its service area (11 regions of the Central Federal District) automated metering systems of electricity at the retail market. The project has been implemented since 2011, as part of the company's targeted program. During this period, in the branches of IDGC of Centre more than 220 thousand automated metering devices were installed. Taking into account the previously installed multi-functional meters, now the fleet of automated meters of the company is 296 thousand units, representing 10% of the total number of meters. It is planned to complete the project in 2020, a total of more than 250 thousand meters will be installed under it, as a result, taking into account the previously installed meters, the total number of metering devices that are integrated within the system will be more than 326 thousand pieces.
Work under the next contract within the framework of this project is currently being finalized in IDGC of Centre - Voronezhenergo division. The total cost of the project in the Voronezh region on all agreements implemented to date amounts to more than 242.9 million rubles, the work, performed within them, covered 23 districts. During the project, at the boundary of electrical installations of Voronezhenergo and residential customers, in-house electrical networks of apartment houses, as well as legal and equivalent persons more than 21.2 thousand smart meters and more than 780 units of data collection and transmission were installed. The most significant volume of work fell to the suburban districts of Voronezh - Novousmansky and Ramonsky, where there is the fastest growing segment of low-rise building: a total there over 13 thousand of meters were installed. When creating the power metering system modern equipment of advanced domestic and foreign manufacturers was used.
Currently, a specialized contractor with the participation of Voronezh power engineers is working on the integration of the fleet of installed metering devices and data collection and transmission devices into a single system that will allow to bring the created system to a new level and, if necessary, allow the equipment to use virtually any manufacturer.
According to Head of the Department of electricity metering of IDGC of Centre Alexander Khaleev, the implementation of new high-precision and high-reliability equipment will help reduce energy losses in electric grids. In addition, it allows the company to optimize labour costs: controllers will have no need to take monthly meter readings - the system automatically sends this information to the data collection centre. It is beneficial for citizens as well. Residents of regions of IDGC of Centre’s service area, whose homes are connected to the electric grid facilities included in the Program, did not have to change own legacy metering devices, and further use of installed by the company meters for commercial billing due to the higher measurement accuracy and the possibility of multi-rate metering will contribute to optimization of their electric energy costs.