IDGC of Centre - Voronezhenergo division commenced work on connection of a fodder plant under construction of LLC "Voronezhmyasoprom" to the electric grid - the largest investment project in the field of agriculture, implemented on the territory of Semiluksky district in the Voronezh region. According to the regional government, the capacity of the new enterprise will reach 60 tons per hour with simultaneous storage of 300 thousand tons of grain. Providing the plant with power grid infrastructure means construction of a new 110 kV substation (the project name "Kursk") with two power transformers of 10 MVA each, four 10 kV power lines, as well as restoration of an overhead 110 kV section Latnaya - Khokhol-district - 1, 2 from the 220 kV substation Latnaya to the A-144 highway. Maximum power of the connected facility will be 6,976 MW.
The grid connection of the plant under construction is carried out in the framework of an agreement to support agricultural enterprises signed between IDGC of Centre and the Government of the Voronezh region in late August of this year. The document provides, including, favourable conditions for grid connection of the food industry, agriculture and agribusiness, which are recipients of state (regional) support. It is planned that in addition to the plant of LLC "Voronezhmyasoprom" the company will provide in 2015 with the power grid infrastructure such significant investment projects for the region, as two dairy farms of GC "Don Agro" (Rossoshansky district), LLC "EkoNivaAgro" (Liskinsky district) and a pig farm of LLC "Agroekovostok" (Povorinsky district).