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IDGC of Centre presented the best practices with educational institutions at RUGRIDS-ELECTRO

20 October 2014

In the framework of the RUGRIDS-ELECTRO International Electric and Energy Forum IDGC of Centre’s representatives told about key projects with educational institutions in the field of training of future specialists for the electric grid complex.

IDGC of Centre on a long-term basis cooperates with a number of regional institutions of higher and secondary vocational education. In particular, it actively develops cooperation with the National Research University MPEI. As part of quality training in September this year in Konakovsky Energy College of a branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute IDGC of Centre created a training centre. According to Head of recruiting and staffing of IDGC of Centre Inara Kuznetsova, such projects contribute to improving the quality of staff level, who will ensure the competitiveness and strategic development of the company and other companies of the electric grid complex.

In the presentation "Basic" College as a platform for comprehensive training of employees" Head of Human Resources of IDGC of Centre - Yarenergo division Lyudmila Rozhdestvenskaya noted the urgent tasks of the internal talent pool in cooperation with Kostroma Power Engineering College named after F.V. Chizhov. According to her, working together with the technical school aims to train masters and operators, targeted staff training for programs, taking into account the specifics of the branch operation, as well as advanced training of workers of the main professions.

IDGC of Centre - Smolenskenergo division demonstrated the results of joint work with NRU MPEI. Head of Human Resources Elena Veselova said that under professional guidance excursions and field trips are organized for students in the structural units of the branch are open doors days and meetings with school leavers. As a result of the work carried out in 2013 the branch employed 42 young professionals. In addition, in order to improve technological processes and implementation of advanced technologies NRU MPEI on instructions of the branch carries out the research and scientific work.

Another example of successful cooperation with the educational institution was demonstrated by IDGC of Centre - Kostromaenergo division. Within the framework of the trilateral cooperation of the branch, Kostroma State Technological University and equipment manufacturers some comprehensive work is carried out to train future specialists. Head of Human Resources Nadezhda Muravyeva noted that this interaction contributes to the accumulation of knowledge, formation of a scientific school, dealing with current and future developments.

On the same day at the site of the Youth Policy of JSC "Russian Grids" the solemn awarding of participants and finalists of the contest of projects and project ideas on the subject of the electric grid complex "From idea to implementation" was held. Among other projects of the contest the project "Maintaining reliability of electricity supply to customers while switching off transformers for reserve to reduce no-load losses" was presented by Alexey Magon from IDGC of Centre. General Director of JSC "Russian Grids" Oleg Budargin congratulated and rewarded the contestants.

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