IDGC of Centre by October 1 plans to complete all major repairs and preparations for the autumn-winter operation period of 2014-2015. In the near future the company’s branches will receive the first certificates of readiness for winter peak loads.
One of the priorities of preparation for the winter operation is still to perform the repair program. By October 1 IDGC of Centre is planning to perform at least 97% of the total amount of the repair program. The remaining activities include work on the tool repair, seasonal replacement of vehicle tires, i.e. they do not affect the operation through the autumn and winter period.
Particular attention is given to clearing ROWs along power lines.
Following the first stage of the preliminary check by the beginning of October IDGC of Centre will perform 100% of all planned activities, the most important of which are: the repair of oil-filled and heating equipment, cutting of trees and undergrowth threatening to damage overhead power lines, staffing of emergency stocks, the completion of major overhauls of power facilities, diagnostics of infrastructure facilities, resupply of crews with protective flame retardant clothing, as well as means of protection against fire, checking the status of batteries of emergency power sources at 35-110 kV substations, etc.
To improve the response in case of emergencies involving personnel of the company by October 1 it is scheduled to conduct 307 emergency response trainings, including 11 joint exercises with EMERCOM, administrations and executive authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation.
In addition, by the beginning of October, the emergency reserve will be stocked at 100% and all the necessary equipment for the operation through the autumn and winter period will be received. In the case of emergency situations and elimination of their consequences, the company will be able to attract 1,406 first responding and restoration crews consisting of 7,873 people and 2,285 off-road and special vehicles, including 90 crews of increased mobility of 520 people and 166 vehicles.
If necessary, IDGC of Centre has the ability to attract 40 contractors for emergency and restoration operations, as well as experts from other subsidiaries of the group "Russian Grids" - the branches of JSC "FGC UES" - MES of Centre and MES of North-West, IDGC of North-West, IDGC of Centre and Volga Region, IDGC of Volga, IDGC of South, MOESK and Kubanenergo.