At the beginning of the school year IDGC of Centre (part of the Group of Companies "Russian Grids") traditionally holds a large-scale campaign on the prevention of children’s electrical injuries. September 1 in Bryansk the first trolleybus was launched on boards of which there is information on safe use of electricity. The route of the branded trolleybus runs along school locations on the main streets of the city.
Before the start of solemn line ceremonies representatives of the Youth Council of the Bryanskenergo branch congratulated schoolchildren on a new school year, reminded of the rules of energy safety and handed colourful themed souvenirs. The power engineers also met all schoolchildren getting on the bus with congratulations.
Another reminder of careful handling with electricity appeared on the day before at the entrance to one of the leading children's parks in the city of Bryansk, the park-museum named after A.K. Tolstoy, where a banner "Electricity is dangerous!" was placed with the basic rules of electrical safety.
In the Orel region staff of the Orelenergo branch visited a boarding school in the village of Znamenka in which 106 children from families of social risk study and live. By tradition, the school was presented with gifts, and manuals, books, colouring books, booklets and brochures on prevention of children’s electrical injuries were given to the school library.
For safe living of children specialists of the Orelenergo branch in accordance with existing requirements and standards for electrical installations replaced bare wires for safe self-supporting insulated wires. In addition, they reconstructed a power line on the premises of the boarding school and installed street lighting elements.
In conclusion, the power engineers organized a small lesson for pupils of the boarding school on how to properly use the necessary appliances and behave near power facilities.
On the eve of the Knowledge Day the Belgorodenergo branch participated in the organization of the event "Hello, school!" for children with disabilities. Thirty future first-graders gathered in the Integrated Social Services Centre of the city of Belgorod, where they were congratulated by pupils of the Children's music and choral school, staff of the children's entertainment centre "Dinopark", power engineers and Deputy Chairman of the Belgorod Regional Duma’s Committee on Social Policy, Director of the Social Service Centre of the Population of Belgorod Irina Sevostyanova. During the event the children become parties to a fabulous performance and received school gift sets on the rules of behaviour in the vicinity of power facilities.
In addition, for children of employees of Bedgorodenergo, who this year for the first time will sit at school desks, the power engineers today held the first lesson on electrical safety.
On the Knowledge Day specialists of the Voronezhenergo branch visited the Talovskaya boarding school, where they presented gifts to children and had a lesson on electrical safety. Previously to the new academic year the power engineers implemented electricity grid connection of 25 social facilities in the Voronezh region, including two schools, three kindergartens and 14 sports and recreation centers.
Staff of the Tverenergo branch also congratulated schoolchildren of the boarding school in the settlement of Green in Torzhoksky district with sweet treats and souvenirs with the basic rules of electrical safety. In turn, the schoolchildren thanked the guests with creative performances.
Power engineers of the Lipetskenergo branch traditionally congratulated first graders with themed gifts, and talked about the need to follow the rules of being near power facilities.
Lessons on electrical safety this year were held in each district of the Lipetsk region. In a joint action with the Office of Education and Science of the Lipetsk region and the Department of Education of the city of Lipetsk, each school of the region received multimedia materials and teaching aids.
In the Kostroma region within the "Safe Childhood" campaign experts of the Kostroma branch during solemn line ceremonies greeted pupils and schoolchildren of secondary and higher education institutions with the start of the academic year. In the first weeks of autumn the power engineers planned to conduct more than 70 classes for 2,000 children in the region.
Specialists of IDGC of Centre will continue the work on the prevention of children’s electrical injuries in the new academic year.