Today IDGC of Centre’s team completed the first stage out of seven ones of the Inter-regional competition of crews for repair and maintenance of 0.4 - 10 kV distribution grids of JSC "Russian Grids", having successfully coped with the release of the victim with electric shock, providing intensive care with a simulator "Gosha", and also solving challenging situational problems.
The release of the victim took 3.21 minutes of planned 4 minutes, and the intensive care took 3 minutes 48 seconds out of 5. In the process of solving the situational problems with the demonstration of knowledge and skills in first aid the participants met the check time — 12 minutes. As a result IDGC of Centre’s team scored 189 points out of 200 possible.
Commenting on the first result, the crew leader of the power engineers, Deputy Director for Technical Issues — Chief Engineer of IDGC of Centre - Belgorodenergo division Denis Yagodka noted that all members of the team were good enough to solve the tasks set, which was distinguished by the judges. Small comments received on the basis of this leg will be considered in further training for such competitions.
Tomorrow IDGC of Centre’s team will have to go through two stages at once: fire fighting at a 10/0.4 kV package transformer substation and replacement of insulated wire on a 0.4 kV insulated Conductor at an intersection of a 10 kV Conductor with measurement of dimensions in the intersection point.
The first results of passing the stages of the Inter-regional competition by the teams can be found on the website of JSC "Russian Grids" in a special section at