The team of IDGC of Centre - Kurskenergo division won the third place in the completed in the Kursk region first championship "Open basketball amateur league" ("OBAL" was established at the regional federation of basketball). Amateur teams from around the region participated in the competitions. Having broken in the "Final Four" tournament, the power engineers lost to the teams "Rusichi" (the winner) and "Pryamitsyno-1" (silver medalist), but in a playoff in a bitter struggle with the difference of one point pulled out "bronze" from rivals of the team "Russ Rylsk". The cup and diploma for the third place to the team of Kurskenergo were solemnly handed by President of "OBAL" Andrey Dyudin. Engineer of category 1 of Capital Construction Office Alexander Zvyagintsev and Head of electricity metering Nikolay Dyatlov were recognized as the best players in the team.
"Another good result that has been made by our specialists in sports at the regional level, it is another indication that the Kursk power engineers are a friendly and cohesive team. Understanding and sense of the elbow help them not only win at sports venues, but also achieve professional success," stressed Chairman of the trade union committee of Kurskenergo Nikolay Kalinin.