IDGC of Centre summed up the implementation in 2013 of measures to curb non-metered and non-contractual electricity consumption.
During the performance of the large-scale work to detect and prevent non-metered consumption by staff of Distribution Zones and electricity metering Offices of branches more than 17,000 cases of illegal consumption of electric energy were found. The total volume of the identified non-contractual and non-metered electricity consumption in the service area of IDGC of Centre in 2013 exceeded 156 million kWh, and the damage amounted to about 399 million rubles.
The staff of the Distribution Zones and electricity metering Offices in conjunction with specialists of security services of the branches focused on the work with problem consumers. Their check was preceded with thorough preparation and briefing of participants of raids by specialists of security structural units. Power engineers took measures to make them compensate for the damage of the company incurred. Until the end of 2013 unscrupulous consumers had already paid for 16,395 acts of non-metered and non-contractual consumption totalling more than 331 million rubles. The remaining debtors will be forced to pay back, in a judicial procedure, with the laying on perpetrators of all court costs. Now experts of IDGC of Centre are performing claims related work on all the facts of non-contractual electricity consumption. In addition, in respect of these customers law enforcement agencies are carrying out inspections pursuant to Art. Art. 144-145 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation in order to make decisions about the initiation of criminal proceedings under Article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Causing damage to property by fraud or breach of trust.")
Raids to curb cases of illegal grid connection and non-metered electricity consumption are conducted in all branches of IDGC of Centre regularly within the system work, aimed at strengthening control over the implementation of the action plan to reduce the risks of uncontrolled load growth, detection and suppression of non-contractual electricity consumption.