Deputy Chief Engineer for operation and technological control - Head of the Grid Control Centre of IDGC of Centre - Kurskenergo division Dmitry Martemyanov won the regional round of the All-Russian contest "Best Manager of the structural unit - 2013" in the category "Energy". Governor of the Kursk region Alexander Mikhailov solemnly handed the award to Dmitry.
"Best Manager of the structural unit - 2013" is held annually at the initiative of the Free Economic Society of Russia and the International Academy of Management (IAM) with the support of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Representatives of companies, banks, investment companies and public organizations participate in it. The first stage of the contest takes place in regions, the winners become participants in the final, nationwide stage. This year the results of the final stage will be announced in April.
Dmitry Martemyanov has been working in the energy sector since 1997. He worked his way from an electrician to Deputy Chief Engineer of Kurskenergo. He proved himself as a good organizer, often makes suggestions for optimization of production, and is able to work in a team. He was a member of the management team of Kurskenergo, which produced a strategic shift to the target model of operational and technological management of sections of the operation and technology service. The work carried out gave good results: in 2013, the Grid Control Centre of Kurskenergo was successfully checked by the commission of JSC "SO UES" and IDGC of Centre moved to a two-tier model of operational and technological management.
"Kurskenergo employs qualified staff capable of solving the most complex problems," says Acting Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre - Kurskenergo division director Alexander Rudnevsky. "The victory of our specialist in the contest once again confirmed that Kursk power engineers of IDGC of Centre work at a proper level and with full dedication for the benefit of consumers."