For 2013 Customer Service Centres (CSC) received 1,276.154 requests.
In connection with the execution in 2013 of the functions of a supplier of last resort in the branches of IDGC of Centre - "Bryanskenergo" "Kurskenergo", "Smolenskenergo", "Orelenergo", "Tverenergo", their number increased to 114 CSCs.
Compared with 2012 the number of consultations provided increased by 28%. CSC experts receive applications for grid connection, value-added services and advise consumers on payment for electricity, collection of documents to conclude a power supply contract for individuals and legal entities. In all Customer Service Centres consumers are also offered such services as installation, replacement and sealing of advanced metering devices, maintenance and repair of private package transformer substations and overhead lines, testing and diagnostics of high voltage equipment, power protection equipment, and full service of an automated information- measuring system of commercial electricity metering (AMI).
It is worth noting that the number of complaints decreased by 29% compared to 2012, also the number of calls reporting electricity outages declined by 37%. This is due to several factors. During 2013 the active work was performed to reduce the number of calls on outages aimed at preventing incoming calls. In particular, targeted and personalized informing on the most frequently called the company consumers was organized effectively with EMERCOM and authorities of settlements.
In 2014 IDGC of Centre plans to upgrade equipment of the Contact Centre, which in the future will allow to start an activity to integrate information systems of the company and deploy an IVR function, and to arrange a short (four digit) phone numbers which provide a free call from a fixed network of JSC "Rostelecom".
The functionality of My Account this year will be expanded in terms of electricity transmission services and value-added services, the interface for working with applications on grid connection will be improved. This year a process of organizing sms-informing the public about planned and emergency repair work related to power outage will begin, as well as informing about the execution of applications for grid connection.