December 5 at the southern territory of municipalities of the Yaroslavl region abundant precipitation in the form of sleet with the establishment of positive ambient temperatures was observed. The adverse weather conditions caused interruptions in the power supply in Borisoglebsky, Pereslavlsky and Uglichsky municipal districts.
Yaroslavl power engineers immediately began to restore the power supply. The branch convened operational headquarters, which coordinate the course of restoration work. The power engineers are eliminating the consequences of the bad weather in collaboration with the territorial administration of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, and the local district administrations. As at 11.00 on the 5th of December 94 first responding and repair crews of Yarenergo totalling 487 people are involved in emergency and restoration operations. The crews have 99 necessary vehicles. To help in the aftermath of the snow cyclone additional resources were engaged — 10 crews of contractors, 39 people, 10 vehicles, as well as employees of FSUE «Forest protection».
For quick connection of social facilities Yarenergo uses 12 diesel generators with a total capacity of 500 kW. The power engineers plan to restore the power supply of the given facilities by the end of the day.
For more information on the restoration status, please, call the around the clock direct telephone line of power engineers at 8-800-50-50-115. The call is toll-free.