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IDGC of Centre plans to complete the reconstruction of the substation "Gorodischenskaya" in October

9 August 2013

IDGC of Centre is performing reconstruction of one of the most important energy facilities of the Bryansk region — the 110/6 kV substation «Gorodischenskaya». The substation is a supply centre for housing, enterprises of the production sector, socially significant facilities located in Bezhitsky district of the city of Bryansk, which is home to over 200,000 people. It is the most industrialized district of Bryansk, which houses the largest enterprises: Bryansk machine-building, steel, electromechanical works, a worsted plant, a confectionery «Bryankonfi».

The reconstruction of the substation is part of the investment program of IDGC of Centre. The cost of the reconstruction of the facility will be about 241 million rubles. The project provides for the implementation in two phases.

The first phase included the construction of new bays of 110 kV outdoor switchgear and installation of three 25 MVA transformers and auxiliary transformers. As a result of the reconstruction the installed capacity of the substation will increase to 75 MVA.

In the first phase lightning rods and lighting system with two towers, a video surveillance system with signal transmission to the Grid Control Centre, satellite communications and a modern remote control complex were installed that allows to get online data on the status of switching devices, power settings, and remote control of equipment from the control centre. Installation and commissioning of a combined indoor switchgear and substation control room were performed, 110 kV power transformers busbars were mounted, and relaying of cable lines into new 6 kV indoor switchgear was prepared.

The second phase involves work on replacement of 6kV consumer cable lines, commissioning of an automated information and electricity measuring system, as well as removal of old transformers of 16 MVA and 110 kV outdoor switchgear. Completion of the second phase is scheduled for October 2013.

The entire renovation project took place in the conditions of the operating substation without restrictions on electricity supply to consumers.

«Large-scale reconstruction of „Gorodischenskaya“ will improve the quality and reliability of power supply of a large part of the city, will provide additional opportunities for the development of the economy and industry of the city of Bryansk and the region as a whole, will allow to perform grid connection of new social facilities,» underlines Deputy General Director for Technical Issues — Chief Engineer of IDGC of Centre Sergey Shumakher.

Until 2016, in accordance with the investment program of IDGC of Centre, it is planned to perform comprehensive reconstruction of the key energy facilities of the grid complex of the Bryansk region: 110/10 kV Semyachki, 110/6 kV Western, 110/35/6 kV Dyatkovskaya, 110/6 kV Bezhitskaya, and 110/6 kV Michurinskaya.

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