As part of the Program to reduce the risk of injury at power facilities IDGC of Centre continues to work on the removal of overhead power lines and transformer stations from premises of childcare institutions. In the first quarter of this year, the work was performed on the premises of 99 schools, pre-schools, technical schools, children’s homes, playgrounds and sports fields, and recreational camps. The company’s costs amounted to more than 1,197.000 rubles.
This work during the summer holidays will be enhanced. In the course of the Program power engineers will perform the transfer of overhead power lines passing near educational institutions outside of school areas; at some facilities an overhead line will become a cable; in areas where there is no possibility of removing overhead lines wire will be replaced with more modern and secure self-supporting insulated wire. Totally in 2013 IDGC of Centre is planning to remove overhead lines from premises of other approximately 113 sites.
Implementation of the program to remove power facilities from premises of childcare institutions is a part of the system work of IDGC of Centre to prevent children’s electric injuries. During the summer holidays the power engineers, in addition to the required standard work, plan to make additional checks of locking devices of substations, installation of prohibition signs and information posters about the danger of electric shock. Since June the next phase of a large-scale awareness campaign has started.