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Specialists of IDGC of Centre took part in an industry conference

30 May 2013

In Moscow, with the support of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation an industry conference «Prospects of development of management systems in the energy sector in the light of Russia’s entry to the WTO» was held. The conference was attended by representatives of the State Duma, Rosstandart leading experts of BSI, Afnor and TUV.

The main objective of the conference is to draw attention of the structures of the government, the public and businesses to the need to improve the efficiency of the management of energy companies in line with international standards, within the framework of Russia’s entry to the WTO.

Experts note that the work on implementation at power companies of quality management systems has been going on for seven years. But by the beginning of 2013, only 38% of the power industry enterprises have been certified with ISO 9000 (for comparison, in the oil and gas industry — over 70%). Russia’s entry to the WTO poses acute problems of the Russian energy to meet international requirements of conducting the business and management systems to comply with requirements of the ISO standards.

During the conference, experts of IDGC of Centre shared experience of this work. In the company from 2007 the quality management system (QMS) was implemented that meets the requirements of the international standard MS ISO 9001:2008. In order to achieve the strategic goals and effective operation of the quality management system a matrix management system operates in all branches of the company, based on the integration of the target, process, project and organizational and functional management. This greatly increases the efficiency of each employee individually, the branch and IDGC of Centre as a whole. The company continues to improve its quality management system.

«The implementation and continuous improvement of the quality management system of the grid complex enterprise is not an end in itself for certification, but the objective necessity of life,» stressed the head of the integrated management systems of IDGC of Centre Pavel Madyuskin. «The main objective of the power grid company is to ensure reliability of energy supply and energy security in its service areas where the company operates. Hence, the requirements for the management of such companies should be of the highest standard and comply with the best international practice. There is no alternative.»

Participants in the industry conference adopted a memorandum in which they proposed to establish the Committee on quality management in the energy sector at the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. The main objectives of this Committee should be monitoring and promotion of the best international practices to improve governance in the energy sector, which will provide an informal implementation of ISO and OHSAS standards.

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