On the eve of the fire season IDGC of Centre is implementing a set of measures to ensure safety of energy facilities in the risk of wildfires.
To date, fire-technical commissions of branches have checked the primary fire extinguishing means, the fire water supply, fire hydrants and installations of automatic fire alarm being ready for the operation. The check of oil receivers of power transformers is completing. Around transformer substations mineralized strips are being laid, wooden poles are being dug around and fire protection of wooden and metal load carrying structures of buildings is being performed. Also, in all subdivisions of the company messaging and communication systems are being tested with fire departments and the regional services of EMERCOM. An information exchange with the operating companies of Russian Grids, territorial divisions of FGC UES, MES and the authorities has been organized.
A special place in preparation for the fire season is paid to training of personnel who are required to take clear actions to extinguish the fire. In all branches of IDGC of Centre joint firefighting exercises with the territorial units of fire protection have been held. Past experience with fires in the Central region of Russia, caused by abnormal heat, showed that the clearing and expansion of ROWs along power lines should be given the highest priority. In the first quarter of the current year the power engineers have cleared more than 1,300 hectares of ROWs, spending more than 11 million rubles on it.
The implementation of fire safety measures in full greatly reduces the risk of fires and the economic damage from them. Therefore, IDGC of Centre is taking all possible measures that will minimize the risk of fire at power facilities.