IDGC of Centre summed up the first month of the company’s activity as an electricity supplier of last resort of in the Bryansk, Kursk and Orel regions.
During the first month specialists of IDGC of Centre performed all the necessary legal and organizational measures to ensure the quality performance of retail functions.
A large-scale campaign to read electricity metering devices was performed. Total in the three regions 481,600 meter readings were taken from residential customers and 51,400 from legal entities.
For legal entities a simplified procedure of power supply contract conclusion was introduced: for a new contract conclusion it is enough to present to the branches of IDGC of Centre power supply contracts concluded with the retail companies, which lost their status of a supplier of last resort. As of March 1, 2013 a total of 26,703 contracts with legal entities have been signed.
The level of payments in the wholesale electricity market and power by points of delivery groups of IDGC of Centre per data as of mid-February of this year was 100%.
According to Deputy Director General for Development and Sale of Services of IDGC of Centre Yulia Sharkova, IDGC of Centre has taken up the functions of a supplier of last resort within the period specified by the state. «Measures to “pick up” the functions of an electricity supplier of last resort were organized in the autumn-winter period, which is the hardest for power engineers,» underlined Yulia Sharkova.
Customer service in the Bryansk, Kursk and Orel regions is performed by Customer Service Centres of IDGC of Centre, in addition to offering a cash settlement activity, a wide range of services, including grid connection and value-added services.
Much work has been done to preserve the labour collective of the retail companies, who lost their status of a supplier of last resort. 1225 people were employed in the branches of IDGC of Centre while preserving all terms and conditions of their previous employment contracts and social security.
IDGC of Centre as the largest electricity grid company with government participation operates as openly and transparently as possible, and that is very important for both market participants and consumers. Another confirmation of this position was the efficient performance of the company during the first month as a supplier of last resort in the three regions of its service area.