A mandatory energy audit completed in all branches of IDGC of Centre and an energy certificate was obtained. Late last year, the certificate passed its examination successfully in NP SRO “Union of energy auditors and energy service companies” and one of the first among Russian grid companies was transferred to registration to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.
The purpose of energy audit, which was performed in accordance with Federal Law # 261 “On energy conservation” and took place in all 280 Distribution Zones of the company’s branches was not only a survey of power facilities, but also the development of specific energy efficiency measures that would allow IDGC of Centre to reduce power losses during its transmission and consumption for industrial and economic needs.
The work was conducted in two phases: firstly production and business facilities were surveyed, secondly, in 2012 — grid facilities. In total documentary and instrumental examination of 2336 buildings and structures of more than 772 thousand square metres, and 2245 substations was performed. For the examination a modern complex of instrumentation was used, an inventory of equipment was made, and documentation on the consumption of energy in the last five years was collected and analyzed, etc. All these activities allowed not only to assess the current level of energy efficiency of IDGC of Centre, but also to calculate its potential energy savings, to identify ways to save energy resources.
According to the results of the energy audit proposals were generated to include cost-effective interventions in the program of energy conservation and energy efficiency of IDGC of Centre. The activities will be implemented over the next four years. Next energy audit of the company is to be held in 2017.