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Joint exercises of IDGC of Centre and FGC UES were held in the Smolensk region

7 September 2012

In preparation for the autumn-winter in Smolensk held joint exercises branches IDGC of Centre — Smolenskenergo division, FGC UES “Bryansk enterprise MES”, Smolensk TCC of SO UES, executive authorities of the city of Smolensk, EMERCOM of Russia in the Smolensk region, MGI “Civil Defense and Emergencies Office of Smolensk”. The purpose of the training — to work out the interaction at emergency situations, major technological disturbances associated with the threat of a power failure at low temperatures. Contractors also participated in the exercises, which had signed framework agreements on the elimination of complex technological violations.

Head of the joint exercise was appointed Deputy Director for Technical Issues — Chief Engineer of Smolenskenergo Nikolay Kireenko, Chief of headquarters — Deputy Chief Engineer of the branch for operational and technological management — Head of the Grid Control Center (GCC) Sakhib Bruno.

At the first stage of the exercises the instruction was given to operators on duty in the GCC, who are to clearly present all of actions when information is received about the threat of an emergency and letting the management team of the headquarters of Smolenskenergo know.

In the emergency situation created on the site of the Smolensk City DEN a temporary information center was in operation. For temporary power supply of infrastructure facilities and important consumers redundant power supply of electric energy was prepared to be connected, the order of operations was approved when it was to be connected.

The exercises developed a mechanism of interaction with contractors, which had signed agreements on cooperation in interaction at elimination of emergencies. Data on the readiness of the forces and means of contractors to perform, if necessary, rescue and restoration operations was updated.

At the proper time communications were prepared, the management system and alerting order was well-adjusted, and intercom and video support was organized.

It should be noted that in the course of the training all necessary measures to prevent the possibility of accidents, incidents, disruption of production and other negative factors were taken. With all the personnel involved in the exercise, additional briefings on safety measures were conducted.

As a result of the joint exercises at the staff meeting of Smolenskenergo the joint efforts of all structures under simulated emergency situations and liquidation of a major technological violation were highly appreciated.

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