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The winners of the Contest “Future Energy” were named

9 February 2012

General Director of IDGC of Centre Dmitry Gudzhoyan took part in the ceremony of rewarding of winners of the First National Youth Contest of high-tech innovative ideas and projects “Future Energy”, held at the Grid Control Center for the infrastructure of the city of Moscow at MOESK.

The Contest was organized by IDGC Holding with the active participation of the Coordinating Council on Youth in the scientific and educational spheres of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation for Science, Technology and Education, where Dmitry Gudzhoyan is a member, and Non-commercial partnership “Future Energy”. The Contest was attended by about five hundred specialists of electric power companies, researchers, young scientists, students, and students of scientific and educational institutions, innovative creative teams, employees of small innovative enterprises and youth innovation centers (YIC), including those created on the initiative and with the assistance of IDGC/DGC. Within the contest the YICs were created in the city of Izhevsk, Yaroslavl, Belgorod, Voronezh, Kaliningrad, Samara, Stavropol and Yekaterinburg.

The organization by IDGC Holding of such an important, ambitious and responsible event is because of the fact that IDGC/DGC chose their innovative way of development. A special program, aimed for 2011-2016, provides for the implementation of advanced technologies, modern electric grid equipment and materials, which will qualitatively improve the functioning of the electric distribution grid complex.

Within the Contest an exhibition of innovative developments was held. IDGC of Centre presented a model of a pole-mounted transformer substation of 6-10/0, 4 kV, the patent for which belongs to the Company. The author of the patent — Deputy General Director for Technical Issues — Chief Engineer of IDGC of Centre Sergey Shumakher.

At the regional level expert groups for IDGC/DGC, authorized by the Organizing Committee of the Contest, received and registered 179 works. The Expert Council at IDGC Holding selected and reviewed 64 best works. The competition took place in eight categories.

By their research example the participants of the First National Youth Contest of high-tech innovative ideas and projects “Future Energy” in fact have shown that they have a powerful scientific potential, great practical experience and are ready to make a concrete and innovative contribution to the innovative development of both operating companies of IDGC Holding, as well as the Russian energy sector as a whole.

“You, young professionals — stressed when summing up the Contest Director General of IDGC Holding Nikolay Shvets, — know well problematic issues of the functioning of the electric distribution grid complex. As the discussed and appreciated by experts ideas and projects showed, you bravely and competently take up a practical solution of the most complex tasks. We simply have to create all conditions for successful creative scientific research, to help the younger generation realize their knowledge, talents and spiritual potential to the maximum. No doubt, the national energy industry thanks to the energy of thoughts and search of scientists, engineers and specialists in the near future will reach the European and world development level”.

State Secretary — Deputy Minister of Energy Yury Sentyurin, who participated in the event, stressed that the winners have a wide range of innovative activities: Electricity Distribution Complex — a backbone sector, which almost the entire Russian economy depends on. “In the young scientists we see a powerful energy for search and are confident that you will overcome future challenges — the task of transformation of the energy sector up to the level of international standards”, — he added.

In the category “Future Electric Distribution Grid Complex of Russia: an innovative environment and operations”: a group of authors consisting of students and professors of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University — Project Manager, Professor, Head of the chair “Theory of Electrical Engineering” Nikolay Korovkin, professor of the chair “Technology of High Voltage” Sergey Krivosheev, graduate student of the chair “Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering” Kirill Netreba, engineers of the Research Institute for the transmission of electricity with high voltage direct current Nikolay Belyaev, Elena Ivanova, Mikhail Odintsov, Vladimir Chudny, assistant professor of the chair “Electrical Engineering” of Vologda State Technical University Sergey Shishigin.

In the category “The future system of training for the Electric Distribution Grid Complex of Russia”: a group of authors consisting of young specialists of IDGC of North Caucasus — Stavropolenergo — Chairman of the Youth Council, leading engineer of equipment Group Pavel Papirsha, a member of the Youth Council, head of technical development Service Evgeny Lanin, Project Manager, a member of the Youth Council, head of electric grid facilities management Service Sergey Lomonosov.

In the category “Energy conservation and energy efficiency” — head of energy conservation and energy efficiency of IDGC of South, Sergey Nekhayev, Doctor of Engineering Science.

In the category “Security in Electric Distribution Grid Complex of Russia”: a group of authors consisting of members of LLC “Prosoft-Systems” — head of commercial department Andrey Ulyanov (Project Manager), senior engineer Dmitry Sagalov, engineers Andrey Galkin, Vladislav Cheremnykh, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics.

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