The competition of candidates is held in several stages: testing, creating a preliminary ranking and based on it — a list of candidates for the final competition.
Following these stages the Management Board of IDGC Holding will approve members of the personnel reserve.
Candidates of the personnel reserve are young professionals under 35 years — heads of structural units of IDGC of Centre, who have been able to approve themselves in the implementation of major projects, have achieved the highest results in their professional activity and have the necessary personal qualities.
“Young leaders who are currently selected in the reserve — the gold stock of our Company — notes HR Director — Head of HR management and organizational design Office of IDGC of Centre Alexander Lyaskin. — They are professionals, highly competent, motivated and interested in the development of the Company. Particular attention is paid to personal characteristics of the candidates: an active approach to life, the desire for change, the ability to make quick decisions and be active”.
The tests, which took place in IDGC of Centre on December 6, were attended by 25 people. The candidates passed intelligence tests, personality questionnaires and tests on engineering thinking. Specialists to supersede positions of Heads of DEN additionally responded to 80 questions prepared by Rostekhnadzor. They referred to energy saving, health and safety and knowledge of regulatory documents.
Formation of a personnel reserve — this is only the beginning of the implementation of the large-scale project “Young Support of IDGC Holding”. Its implementation will continue with further training of the selected staff to be guided not only to improve their professional level, but also to develop personal qualities and managerial skills.
The concept of “Young Support” is aimed at creating greater opportunities for effective career growth and professional development of young staff, will contribute to the Company’s highly qualified, timely staffing of left and newly created managerial positions.