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Management of IDGC of Centre took part in the annual forum of VTB Capital “Russia calling!”

10 October 2011

The forum brought together about 300 participants, including representatives of state and the largest Russian and foreign companies, becoming one of the most significant Russian investment forums in 2011. It took place in the World Trade Center and was organized by the investment unit of VTB Group — VTB Capital, which is one of the major Russian players in the financial market. The central theme of the forum was the development of the economy, banking system, innovation and utilities.

Management of IDGC of Centre at the forum took part in 15 individual meetings with representatives of investment funds, bank analysts and private investors. The representatives of the investment community were interested in issues related to expectations on the tariff campaign in 2012, financial results of operations of IDGC of Centre in 2011, the amount of planned investment in the implementation of the approved investment program in 2011, the implementation of the program of consolidation of grid assets and the outcome of measures aimed at reducing operating costs.

General Director of IDGC of Centre Dmitry Gudzhoyan noted that, despite the adjustment of the business plan for 2011, which is related to the revision of tariff-balance decisions by regulatory authorities, the reduction of revenues is fully compensated with the reduced operating costs and expenses of the investment program. The company is currently working on the investment program for 2012 and its reconciliation with the regional administrations, taking into account the implementation of all performance indicators across all the included in the investment program projects.

Another step to improve operational efficiency and expand the company’s business was the incorporation of JSC «Energy Service Company» in accordance with approval of the Board of Directors of IDGC of Centre. «This step will ensure further sustainable development of the company, increasing the energy efficiency of IDGC of Centre», — believes Dmitry Gudzhoyan.

The company’s management on a regular basis takes part in the investment and industry conferences, which allow to raise the investment attractiveness of IDGC of Centre and promptly inform the investment community on operating results and plans of the company.

According to the results of participation in the conference the interest in the shares of IDGC of Centre was observed: the increase of IDGC of Centre shares value by 2.9% was fixed in the closing of the MICEX SE on October 6-7, 2011.

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