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The chairperson of the auditing committee is elected in IDGC of Centre

23 August 2010

Izumrud Alimuradova, Head of the Department for Internal Audit of IDGC Holding, JSC, became the Chairperson of the Auditing Committee of the Company. Her obligations include initiating the Committee meetings, organization of its current work, representation of the Committee at the General meeting of shareholders and meetings of the Board of Directors of the Company.

Galina Meshalova, Chief Expert of the Division for Investment Activity Control of the Department for Internal Audit of IDGC Holding, JSC, is elected as the Secretary of the Committee. She is responsible for keeping of minutes of the Committee meetings, informing of the Company management bodies on the results of audits, notifying of the Committee members on holding meetings, planned and extra-planned audits.
In the 3rd quarter 2010 the Auditing Committee of IDGC of Centre plans to perform sampling audit of separate areas of financial and economic activities of the Company. Testing of the annual accounting statements for 2010, audit of the Annual report are planned for the 1st quarter 2011. Besides, the analysis of the Company financial condition and results of audit of the outside auditor will be conducted. The final stage of work of these members of the Auditing Committee will be preparation of findings regarding confirmation of reliability of the annual accounting statements and the Annual report of the Company for 2010 for the annual General meeting of shareholders.

For reference:
The Regulation on the Auditing Committee is designed in compliance with the Federal Law “On joint-stock companies” and the Articles of Association of IDGC of Centre. The Committee is the permanently operating control body of the Company that conducts control over financial and economic activities, subdivisions, officials of the management bodies and structural subdivisions in terms of compliance with the Law of the Russian Federation, Articles of Association of the Company and its internal documents. It acts in the interests of shareholders.


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