In I half-year 2009 productive power supply of IDGC of Centre, JSC exceeded the planned value by 1,4 % and reached 24,9 bln kW/h. Following the results of the first six months of the year proceeds growth from the planned volume amounted to 3,7 % (up to 24,9 bln Rubles), including transmission proceeds growth — 3,9 % (up to 24,03 bln Rubles), technological connection proceeds reduction (TC) — 13,3 % (up to 623,3 mln Rubles).
In comparison with the planned values the prime cost reduced by 4,1 % up to 21,33 bln Rubles following the results of the half-year, including transmission prime cost — by 3,9 % up to 21,06 bln Rubles, TC prime cost — by 14 % up to 191,1 mln Rubles. Such reduction is grounded by postponement of terms of conclusion of a number of conracts and activation of performed works for II half-year 2009.
In the course of discussion of the items of the agenda members of the Board of Directors expressed opinions on expediency of the Company's business-plan for 2009 adjustment taking into account changes of environmental conditions: debt financing value, industry regulation as well as other less significant factors.