This day is symbolic for multi thousand collective of Holding of interregional distribution grid companies. Power engineers and employees of press have the common professional credo: to light life.
History of this holiday has roots stretching back into remotest past. In this day in 1703 in Moscow the first issue of the first Russian printed newspaper “Summary of military and new events worth to know and remember” came off the press. Nearly three centuries later in December 1991 Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation declared the 13th of January to be the Day of the Russian Press.
The main corporate valuables of IDGC Holding are social responsibility and transparency. These two factors are possible, mainly, owing to mass media that reflects events happening in the life of the company, industries, the whole Russia reliably and objectively.
On behalf of IDGC Holding and personally I thank you for your creative work, competent and true coverage of multi-planned events of the activity of the distribution grid complex of Russia. Social prestige of power engineering profession is formed to a large extent by your efforts.
Today it’s most pleasure for me to announce the All-Russian contest of journalistic works «Power grids - 2009» organized by IDGC of Centre, JSC jointly with the Russian PR association with support of Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.
The primary objective of the Contest is estimation of journalistic community attention to the subject of power distribution in the territory of the Russian Federation and support of the most gifted journalists, who cover tasks and problems of the distribution power grid complex of the country and activity of interregional distribution grid companies. And let this step will be our contribution in development of the Russian press.
With all my heart I wish editorial collectives, all employees of mass media health, inspiration, work success, much human happiness!