For the period of New Year and Christmas holidays duties of technical managers of IDGC of Centre, JSC were organized, special control over power networks equipment operation was established in all branches of the energy company. The power engineers approved notification flow chart and calling of Emergency Response repair team in the case of dangerous weather, organized clear communication with fire stations. When there were contingency situations Emergency Rescue and Repair Teams eliminated disturbance of power networks operation as soon as possible.
Dmitry Pankov, Director for Operation and Repairs of IDGC of Centre, JSC, remarked: “On public holidays in particular regions there were bad climatic conditions with sudden temperature drops from above-zero to sub-zero temperature, with wind, snowdrift, snow slush build-up up to 20 cm, however we had been prepared for it. Over main network 35―110 kv insignificant cutoffs were eliminated within the shortest terms. So I can safely say that on these holidays we did our best to keep stable and effective operating”.