The State pays much attention to development of power engineering complex, design and implementation of advanced technologies and equipment that promote power saving and power efficiency improvement. Currently regulatory and legal framework is being formed, which will create mechanisms for the implementation of Energy strategy of Russia for the period till 2030.
The past year has turned out to be difficult for the industry. It was marked by the tragic event — Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydro Power Plant accident, which caused death of many people. This is not to happen again. Reliability of power engineering items and equipment quality improvement are necessary, so the priority of safety ensuring is absolutely obvious here.
Liberalization of the industry is going on, new items are being put into operation, innovation technologies are being implemented, its coordinator – Ministry of Energy of Russia – has successfully expanded the activity.
Dear friends! Power Engineers’ Day is the tribute to your works, experience, courage and enthusiasm. You continue worthily the best traditions of your predecessors and teachers: scientists, engineers, builders, designers. I wish you to be healthy, happy, financially stable, to complete successfully everything that you have started for the further development and upgrading of power engineering industry of the country.